I love trying different types of photography! One of the many benefits of being a photography major at Northern Arizona University is the amazing courses that are offered here. This semester, I decided to enroll in an adventure photography class. Adventure photography is not something I have shot much of prior to this class, but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone a bit. I am so glad that I did enroll because I am really enjoying shooting activities such as hiking, bouldering, road tripping, backpacking, and snowboarding. This class has given me great excuses to escape my apartment with my friends and explore more of Flagstaff, Arizona. Buffalo park, Snowbowl, Lake Mary, and Williams are among some of the great locations where I have shot adventure photography.
But I would say the most memorable location was Priest Draw, a popular spot for people to go bouldering. I went here on a class field trip with my professor, two other students, and two boulderers. Upon arriving, I ended up getting my car stuck in the snow for the first time. Having never encountered this problem before as I grew up in Gilbert where it never snows it is accurate to say that I was nervous and incredibly embarrassed. I would say that situation is a memorable way to meet your classmates and your professor for the first time. Fortunately, I was able to get my car unstuck with the help of my class and a stranger. It is safe to say that I will now carry a shovel and kitty litter in my car during the winter. Also, now I have a great story to tell! As for the actual shoot of the bouldering, I got some great images and had so much fun working with my classmates. Adventure photography is surely something that I will continue shooting.